Imagine technology driving progress across the Philippines, seamlessly integrated with government institutions. This vision is not just a dream—it’s unfolding right now!
Leading this wave of transformation are UnionBank’s Yogee and UBX’s James. Together, their dynamic teams are harnessing the power of innovation to turn game-changing ideas into real-life benefits for the country. Their teams’ story is one of collaboration, creative problem-solving, and the power of digital transformation to uplift Filipino lives.

Let’s learn more about how Yogee and James are shaping a brighter future, leveraging tech advancements to create lasting, positive change for all Filipinos.

I’m Yogee, an A-person from UnionBank.
UnionBank, together with our partners inside and outside of the Aboitiz Group, has always extended our services to government institutions. We have been a partner bank to several agencies for their collection and disbursement needs. For instance, at the height of the pandemic in 2020, UnionBank was among the partner banks of DSWD in facilitating the distribution of the Ayuda to our countrymen. But we do know that we can do more. Digitize or Perish, a rhetoric and an imperative that we often hear from our UnionBank leaders. So we transformed, and we continuously transform. And we believe that this is true even for our government.
That is why in 2021, we leveled up our engagement with the government in partnering with them on their digital transformation journeys.
Build. Operate. Transfer.

In partnership with UBX and the Supreme Court of the Philippines, we have built the Judiciary e-Payment System which digitized the filing and payment of court docket fees, bar exam, and bar admission fees. To date, this System serves more than 1,000 court stations throughout the Philippines. That’s essentially the whole of the Philippine Judiciary, or 1 out of the three branches of the Philippine Government. (I’m actually currently taking my Juris Doctor degree at the UP College of Law and, my professors know of this Platform and it just gives me so much kilig every time.)
But our mission to TechUp Pilipinas does not stop there. Magis. Do more. And what better way to further help our country than to partner with the institution responsible for the collection of our taxes — which is every country’s lifeblood. The Bureau of Internal Revenue’s digitization roadmap is centered on elevating taxpayers’ experience, strengthening their digital culture, and streamlining tax enforcement and compliance.

Long story short, we built together the 230X and Tax Clearance Systems. These online Platforms provide a 24/7 fully-digital experience for both the BIR and its taxpayers in the filing, payment, and processing of creditable withholding taxes, and also application for tax clearance certificates. My UBX partner, James, can expound on that before I go full-tech here.
But I want to focus on the fact that before these Platforms came into existence, we first equipped our BIR stakeholders with the necessary skills and mindset to innovate. We provided learning sessions on customer journey mapping, design thinking, agile ways of working, and enterprise architecture, among several others, making sure that no one gets left behind as we TechUp Pilipinas. Our stories of great transformations are stories of co-creation and collaboration.

This is our promise to the country. Our commitment to nation-building. Our legacy. Together.

I’m James, an A-person from UBX.
A glimpse at our BIR project with Yogee and his team: It was an exciting challenge, navigating BIR’s diverse perspectives and culture, while adapting to evolving requirements and also integrating with their legacy systems. But through team work with UBP via Yogee, we found the right mix to overcome these challenges.
We built two systems for BIR. First, an online tax clearance filing system with smooth, effortless payments via Upay. Second, the BIR 230x platform, which simplifies life for withholding agents with automated CWT forms and integrated Upay payments. Previously, all these processes were manual! We’ve digitally transformed some of their key processes.
None of this would be possible without UBP. They set the initial scope and gave the project to UBX for implementation. They didn’t just handle governance, compliance, and info sec—they also provided crucial guidance and strategic direction!

Huge thanks to the entire UBX team, including developers, testers, operations, support, legal, and business – especially Francine, who was the rockstar from the beginning .
Your dedication, including those sleepless nights, made a great impact. This wouldn’t have been possible without the unbeatable team collaboration between UBX and UBP. Our agility and close connection with BIR allowed for quick feedback and revisions, ensuring the MVP aligns perfectly with user needs and functionalities.

I’m incredibly glad to be part of this amazing team!