We are halfway through Year 2 of the Great Transformation and we are witnessing the revolution kick into high gear. In this limited series, Aboitiz Eyes features two new programs that focus on strengthening the competitive advantage of our A-People both for the now and the fast-approaching future—the Scrum Chapter and GT Hackathon. After all, building the Philippines’ first techglomerate starts with behaving like a techglomerate.
The GT Culture Tribe recently held a groundbreaking launch event to establish the Aboitiz Group’s own Scrum Chapter. It’s designed to foster a vibrant community of practice by leveraging the principles of Scrum and the philosophy of Agile, spreading their adoption throughout the entire organization.
What makes this initiative truly remarkable is that you do not need to be a scrum master, or have any prior certifications or training in the practice. The Scrum Chapter emphasizes the importance of a shared interest in learning and the collaborative spirit of Agile and Scrum. This collective approach to learning not only fosters personal growth but also serves as a catalyst for cultivating a culture where knowledge is democratized, enabling everyone to acquire new skillsets. Let’s learn more about it straight from the Food Group’s Kevin Veloso who shares his exciting take on the agile approach unlocks the next level for A-People.

When Agile was first opened to me, I was a bit hesitant about the “value” that it offers. It sounds too time-demanding and not even applicable to my role in BASCo—Bakery Solutions Company. But when I attended the Agile briefing and learned the value that it offers, my mindset changed.
I found Agile as a transformative approach that empowers teams to adapt and deliver value in a rapidly changing world. Team members are given a platform to openly and freely show their capabilities by creating a borderline between a traditional approach of doing things to an agile way of working, as it promotes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement to drive success.
In our squad, the culture of transparency and trust is above all. Regular meetings like daily scrums and sprint reviews allow us to discuss progress, challenges, and potential improvements openly. This transparency fosters accountability, empowers team members to take ownership of their work, and promotes a collective sense of responsibility for project success.

While Agile offers numerous benefits, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Its success depends on team dynamics, requiring commitment, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace change. By embracing its principles and values, the organization can become more responsive, customer-centric, and resilient in an increasingly dynamic world.
We must remember that the business environment is defined as VUCA—volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. What is relevant today may no longer be suitable the next day; what is applicable now may not be appropriate later. And to counter such a fast-changing environment, a robust framework for teams to navigate complexity, deliver value, and foster innovation is needed. Agile is the key!
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